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about our Family

Our Beliefs 

We are a group of followers of Jesus Christ that exist to Love God, Serve People, and Share Jesus with the community around us. We value our relationships with each other and cherish the opportunity to grow closer to God. The Bible and the Holy Spirit's leading in our lives helps us extend love and grace to those without hope.  

Mission Statement


All eyes are opened to the grace and love of God and lives are transformed through the act of worship.


In a love and inclusive environment, disciples of Jesus Christ are nurtured and prepared.


We respond to needs locally and throughout the world as the Holy Spirit sends disciples forth to serve.

Open Door Family Care Resources

I was hungry & you gave Me something to eat.
I was thirsty & you gave Me something to drink. 

I was a stranger & you welcomed Me in.
I needed clothes & you clothed Me. 
I was sick & you looked after Me. 
I was in prison & you visited Me. 

​Matthew 25:35-36

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